Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Weekend

View of Melbourne from the Dandenong Range

Saturday we decided to go to an exhibition in the City called "Amazing Bodies" since it was finishing the next day. It was a good choice, because by the time we arrived, the heavens opened and it lashed for 24 hours! We went by train and all the people going to the Melbourne Cup were getting on in their lovely dresses and hats. Such a shame because it was a complete white wash and they were all on the train going home - soaked!

The exhibition was really interesting. The exhibits were of different animals and showed all different parts of their bodies which had been conserved using a process called "Plastination"where they take out the natural fluids of the body and replace them with a gel-type form. Hence, all the parts on show were actually real, not fake! I was in my element of course! I'm sure you could google it if you wanted to know more but I won't go into any more details!

Sunday it was still raining so we all went to the Factory Outlet place I found the other day. Jack found a shop selling Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister clothes at knock down prices so they bought the shop up! Then in the evening, Will had four friends round for Halloween and they went Trick and Treating. They are not into it so much over here but they still came home with half-filled swag bags so they were happy!

Yesterday (Tuesday) was Melbourne Cup Day so Chris had the day off work. We all went (even Jack!) up to the Dandenong Ranges - part of a large National Park, about an hour east of Melbourne. It was a pretty drive up the mountain with very steep roads and the rhododendrons were coming out. We drove to a lookout point called "Skyhigh" which had a great view of Melbourne and pretty gardens and walks through the gum tree(eucalyptus) forests. We even saw two Kookaburras! On the way back down, we stopped off at one of the several quaint villages called Olinda. These villages are renowned for their Devonshire teas and Pie shops! There was a Christmas shop there, so I bought a glass bauble with a blue angel inside (made in China!) and a heart-shaped hanging ornament. Don't know where I shall hang it but hey! I liked it!

Flower PowerWilco and CarolineDandenong English GardenLoving having their photo taken :-)


  1. Sam - glad to see the hair's getting longer again. Sides need to be at shoulder length though. Rebs rule ok!

  2. Yeah, I prefer it longer too :) Sis x
