Over the next couple of days we headed westwards along very winding roads towards Cradle Mountain and Lake St. Clair, but unfortunately, because the weather was so bad, we didn't get to see much. Still raining, we arrived at Hobart where we stayed in another lovely B and B and had a good fish "n" chip meal at Meurs. We did pass through some pretty villages called Strahan and Richmond, but to be honest, there's not much to Tasmania and I don't think I'd go again, especially with the Boys - they would be bored silly! It's great if you like walking holidays in the rain, but funnily enough... I don't!
On Saturday, Sam had his first friendly and won 2 - 1 which pleased him. Last weekend, Will played in his AFL game. Unfortunately, they didn't quite have the same result! However Will did get credited with an 'assist' which is great for a first game (he plays the position of pocket forward)

Today, I took Mum and Dad down the Mornington Peninsula where we stopped off at Arthurs Seat for a good view and a lovely walk. Then, off to Sorrento for a delicious lunch, before returning home at 5p.m. Tomorrow is going to be another gorgeous day and we are off to Lysterfield National Park to see the kangeroos :)