Over the next couple of days we headed westwards along very winding roads towards Cradle Mountain and Lake St. Clair, but unfortunately, because the weather was so bad, we didn't get to see much. Still raining, we arrived at Hobart where we stayed in another lovely B and B and had a good fish "n" chip meal at Meurs. We did pass through some pretty villages called Strahan and Richmond, but to be honest, there's not much to Tasmania and I don't think I'd go again, especially with the Boys - they would be bored silly! It's great if you like walking holidays in the rain, but funnily enough... I don't!
On Saturday, Sam had his first friendly and won 2 - 1 which pleased him. Last weekend, Will played in his AFL game. Unfortunately, they didn't quite have the same result! However Will did get credited with an 'assist' which is great for a first game (he plays the position of pocket forward)

Today, I took Mum and Dad down the Mornington Peninsula where we stopped off at Arthurs Seat for a good view and a lovely walk. Then, off to Sorrento for a delicious lunch, before returning home at 5p.m. Tomorrow is going to be another gorgeous day and we are off to Lysterfield National Park to see the kangeroos :)

Hi Guys, great photos of your recent travels and lovely to see Caroline and her parents having such a lovely time. You have managed to pack so much into the last few weeks. Shame about the weather in Tasmania but at least it has improved now. Hope you all enjoyed the grand prix, sounds like a fun day and good to see Lewis doing so well - hope you were all waving your union jack flags :-)
ReplyDeleteCant be long before your parents leave, that has gone so quickly. Then you have more visitors arriving later in the month, all go in your house!!
We are all looking forward to Easter holidays and so many bank holidays due to later Easter in April and Bank Holiday for Royal Wedding and then May Day! Yipppeeeeeee! Cant wait for some time off work. Girls will be busy revising for exams :-) and I will be eating lots of Cadburys chocolate!
Hope you had fun with the kangaroos today and have you got any plans for next few days - probably need a rest after all those exciting days out.
Look forward to the next update and lots more photos. Love to all, Lisa xxxxx
Hi! Lovely to see your latest photos and hear all your news. I can't believe how many events you are going to - we are very envious! So glad you had a good time in Tasmania, I can't believe your Mum and Dad have been with you for nearly a month. I guess you are not looking forward to saying goodbye!
ReplyDeleteAll fine here - on our own for the next 2 weeks, Iain is back in Dubai and then off to Singapore, so its just me, Alex and Charlie of course! Well done to Sam and Will in their sporting events! Alex got picked for the school hockey team so I finally relented and bought him his own hockey stick (school only has 2 small hockey sticks so there is a big fight over them each week!) and then tomorrow he has house football, which has been cancelled numerous times because of bad weather - it is of course going to rain tomorrow as well! Next week he is finally off to Jersey on his football trip so we will have 6 days of peace and quiet - what will I do! Not sure where he gets all this sportiness from - its not from his parents thats for sure!
Anyway, better go. Love to all and your Mum and Dad.
Becky xxxx
Well it seems you have become 'Mordilliac Tour Guide Extrodinaire', Carolne. Finally got a chance to catch up with your blog - last time I read it was when you had floods.
ReplyDeleteIn Sunny Cardiff for a week, of all places - meeting some of 'your people' Chris. Been very lucky with the weather over the last few days - on the beach at Rossilyn (spelling?) today - had to apply suntan lotion. Gower Peninsular up in the '20s' (bit chilly for you guys?).
Won't last, I'm sure, but back home at the end of next week. Charlotte and Lydia off from school for a few more weeks though. Not back till May!
Work has been busy - and will be busy again before end of April so pleased for these few weeks.
Good news around Will's and Sam's sports!