Sunday, 17 July 2011

My First Half Marathon!

Got home from skiing on Friday 4.15 p.m and Saturday was Jack's 17th Birthday! We went to Mainstreet (our favourite haunt in Mordi) for brunch (eating out for breakfast is very big here), then he went out with his friends in the evening.

This morning, I ran my first half Marathon. The race was starting at 7a.m in the city, so we had to get up at 5a.m but I had actually had quite a good nights sleep so it wasn't too bad. Managed to eat some breakfast, then Chris, Natalie and myself headed out at 5.30a.m. Having parked in the PwC car park , the meeting point was Federation Square (in the dark!). I was quite relaxed which surprised me. The course took in all the sights of Melbourne and I wanted to run it in under 2 hours. I came in at 1.59 hrs so was really pleased and quite emotional. Chris and Natalie were fantastic supporters and kept popping up all around the course shouting and waving - it was great!

When I originally decided to do the half (about 10 weeks ago), I was just doing it for me as my new goal. Then last week, Natalie's father was diagnosed with Bowel cancer, so I decided at the last minute to run to raise money for The Cancer and Bowel Cancer Research Trust. Most of you I sent an email to with a link to my fundraising page, but here it is again because not many of you have used it! Just put into google "". It's very easy to donate and it's a secure website . You can put your own amount in or tick one of the boxes and it doesn't matter that it's in dollars, your credit card can handle it!

My Dad was dubious of using it but he managed!!! Well done! And a very big THANK YOU to those of you who have already donated, it is very much appreciated.

The rest of the afternoon has been spent ferrying Boys to footie matches, so now we are going to collapse in a heap!

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