Well, I can't believe it's a month since I did the last blog, shoddy I know!
What's been happening this last month...? Nothing too exciting which is why I haven't up-dated it!
Jack sat his exams and overall they seemed to go quite well. We will see on results day! Since he finished, he has spent his days sleeping till at least 11a.m, watching TV and playing on the X Box. At the moment he is on his "schoolies" week - a week away with 15 mates in a house by the sea on the Mornington Peninsula. Not heard much from him, so assume he's still alive! How I'd love to be a fly on the wall there!
Sam and I attended the launch of the Australian Open yesterday. The CEO was there and gave an inspiring speech, as was Todd Woodbridge who was once a Ballboy himself, before becoming a player. This year is quite an historical year for Australian tennis - 50 years since Rod Lever won the Grand Slam and 100 years since the first Men's Singles title was won. They brought in the Winners Trophies... they call the ladies single trophy Daphne and the mens singles trophy Norman, don't know why, maybe after the first people who won them? Sam was given his uniform and we are glad to report that it is not pink, but a nice blue, the same colour as on all the AO signs, which looks great on Sam.
I had my second Triathlon yesterday, this time in Mordi, so we didn't have to go far. However, it was very windy (29kph) and so the sea was VERY choppy and I would never have gone in under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, they decided to go ahead with the swim and everyone struggled, with many people being pulled out of the water into the lifeboats (at their request). I managed to get round but it took me even longer than before, so annoyingly I came 10th overall this time (not happy! )
Chris goes in for his heart operation this Thursday (8th). He was recently diagnosed with a condition called "Woolf Parkinson White Syndrome" where he has an extra pathway in his heart that shouldn't be there. For the past 4 years, he would often feel like he was going to black out when he was running and his heart would go into tachycardia. The operation has a 95% success rate, so hopefully he should be able to return to exercise very soon.
Only 2 weeks till Granny and Grandad are here with us for Christmas so we are all very excited :)
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