I didn't enter till yesterday because I was in two minds whether to do it or not. The forecast was 30kph winds coming in which would make the swim difficult. But I went ahead and spent the rest of the evening wondering what I had done!
Didn't sleep a wink all night, so got up at 4.45am and headed off at 5.25am, arriving nice and early in the pitch black but with plenty of choice of parking spaces!
My age group went off at 7.23am. The water was flat which was fab, till you had 1,100 competitors in there and then it roughed up somewhat! Certainly didn't enjoy it but managed to get around.
Then we had the longest ever transition from the beach running to the bike compound, it was ridiculous! The bike and run legs I was really pleased with. The 40km ride was along Beach Road, my normal training ground, so it was nice because I knew the course so well. I thought the run was going to be a killer but I actually enjoyed it and felt good, over-taking quite a few men who were giving up and walking!
I reached the finishing posts with the biggest smile on my face :)
Weather wise, it's been a strange old day. When we started the swim it was 28 degrees, by the time I finished it was 33. An hour or two later, the winds they forecast arrived, the temperature has dropped to 17 degrees and we are now in the middle of a tropical storm and had a power cut for 4 hours!
Poor Jack has been reffing all day so will be absolutely soaked when I get him in a minute. In an hour they have indoor footie and then we are off out for dinner to celebrate Chris's birthday and my first ever Olympic Tri :)
Well done... can't believe you find it all so easy!