Hi everyone,
Glad the snow has gone now and you can return to normal - for a little while anyway! I actually managed to get my Christmas cards sent last week and also sent a few parcels home. Post over here seems quite pricey - it cost $35 (£22) to send a medium sized parcel home - hope it gets there!
Went to South Melbourne market on Friday with Jackie and her mum, Viv, who is over from the UK at the moment. Our start was a bit delayed, since we discovered Jackie's car had a flat tyre so had to get that sorted first. South Melbourne market was smaller than Vic market in the centre of Melbourne, but had some nice stalls.
Then, Saturday morning, I went to Red Hill market down on the Mornington Peninsula, with Wills friend Robs mum (Emma) and a couple of others. It was an early start - I was picked up at 6.45 am but worth it - a lovely day and a great Christmas market, full of home-made wares - jewellery, arts and crafts, wine etc. We left by 10.30 and were glad we had gone early when we saw the length of the queue to go in at that time!! We stopped off at a winery on the way back - never too early for a glass of wine and great views!
In the evening, Chris, Sam and myself went into Melbourne to see the International Cycling Championships in the velodrome. Quite exciting (for the first couple of hours anyway!) to watch all the races, but need to read up on all the rules for next time - it was quite complicated. Chris Hoi and Victoria Pendalton were there and we cheered on Jason Kenny to victory!
Boys are into their last week of school (did Jack ever get started?!!). Officially, the school term goes on until the 17th, but apparently, in the last week there is no registration and no work is done and hardly anyone goes.Hence, the Boys have interpreted that as they finish on Friday!
Chris played with Jack and Sam in their indoor footie league on Thursday night which they drew 10- all, but unfortunately, took on a couple of injuries! The twist to his old ankle injury seems to have recovered but the elbow in his ribs which we thought was bruising, hasn't. We are now wondering if he has actually cracked a rib since he still seems to be quite a lot of pain. Don't think he'll be playing again in a hurry....!