With all the bad weather back in the UK I thought you might like to see what a typical Sydney Summer's day looks like :-)
I was working in Penrith this week which is a suburb of Sydney. Suddenly the skies darkened and the most incredible rain came lashing down. This then quickly turned to hail stones the size of golf balls. Our office became flooded within 10 minutes and we had to put all the computers on the desk to stop them getting damaged! The traffic lights failed and cars were then crashing into each other...it was about 30 minutes of panic for everyone.
Then, just as quickly as it had started the sun came out and all was back to normal....
Everywhere I go in the world I hear the phrase "We never have weather like this...."
Maybe I should go to Africa and license my rain making services....
Everywhere I go I always take the weather with me......someone even wrote a song about me..
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