Sunday, 20 February 2011

6 months

Hi Everyone,
Not a lot to report on this week, but amazingly, it's 6 months already since we arrived in Oz! My! How the time has flown and how much have we done!

I have kept up with my fitness regime this week, even though the Tri is over, starting a cycling club on Tuesday and tennis at a new club on Thursday. Friday, I felt like I'd been kicked in the kidneys and ached all over, having played 3.5 hours of tennis non-stop the day before!

Chris, Natalie, Jason and myself had "Take 2" of the Colonial Tramcar Restaurant experience, and although storms were forecast, we managed to see out the night with a feeling of "deja vu". Having stopped off at a bar on the way there, it didn't take us long to relax into the atmosphere
The food was great, as was the company and the whole experience - would definitely recommend it :) Photos, as always, on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos of your tramcar meal - looks like you all had a great time. Cant believe it has been 6 months since you left! You have all obviously settled into the Australian lifestyle. Good to hear Caroline is keeping up the training - have you entered for any more triathlons yet? Definitely think Sam should join in with the training - think he would be brilliant and would enjoy the competition :-) Love Lisa xxx
