Saturday, 12 February 2011

My First Triathlon!

...I need a drink...

Well, the day I had been training a mere 3 weeks for had arrived! Needless to say - I had a very bad nights sleep. When I went to bed, my heart was going mad - the adrenalin was pumping round so fast! Sleep was very fitful and when Sarah Hamlet sent me a text sending me "Good Luck Wishes" at 5a.m, I decided to get up and have a cup of tea! How English is that!!

Nat and I cycled down to the beach, only to be told that the swim had actually been cancelled due to the poor water quality since the flood a week earlier. I was actually a bit disappointed, because although this was the part I was dreading, I had actually been training every day in the sea that they said wasn't safe enough ...oops!

Instead, it had been replaced with a 500m run, bare-foot, along the beach - still wearing the swim cap - what was that all about?!!! This was actually to my benefit, although it is hard running on sand that has been indented with hundreds of other people's footprints!

That run was then followed by a 8k bike ride and then a 2k run. None of it sounds very far on paper, but believe me, the final run was a killer after the bike ride because your legs feel completely dead. What I would normally run very easily seemed a real struggle. BUT... I finished!!! And lived to tell the tale! And will probably do another one very soon so that I can experience the swim part.

Overall, I came 77th/230 and in my age category 17th/38, so I was quite pleased :)

The Morgans and the Pribils then returned to ours for a well deserved BBQ breakfast cooked by Chris :) I would like to thank Chris, Sam and Will for turning out at the crack of dawn (literally) to support me - they were fab! Sam and Will had written on their chests "Go Mum!" which was sooo lovely. Will did a great job videoing the event and Chris and Sam on the fotos. THANK YOU my lovely Boys - U R gr8!!!

There is a little video below (thanks to Will the camera man) and more pictures on our Flickr site (or take a look to the right..)


  1. Hi Guys, loved the photos and video of Caroline competing in her first (of many) triatlons! Shame about the swim but at least you got to wear the attractive swimming cap :-) Well done to Chris, Sam & Will for supporting Caroline - please tell me that Jack had something important on and that is why he was not there cheering you on!!! When is your next triathlon?!

    Has this inspired the boy or Chris to consider doing their own triathlon or at least start to train with you :-)

    Are you going to keep up with the training (particularly the swimming) or will you just continue with the running.

    Well done babe, you did amazing and managed to look fab in a pink swimming hat! Love and hugs, Lisa xxxx

  2. Hi Lise,
    Just trying to decide which Tri to enter next! Jack had been at a party the night b4 where he had stayed but had said he wouldn't be getting up at 7a.m on a Sunday to cheer me on anyway - charming eh!
    I think Sam wld be excellent at Tri's so will encourage him to do one. Natalie will probably be able to convince him - she's very good at that!
    I shall most definitely keep up with the training. My new sports regime is Mon - run; Tues - joining a cycling club starting 2moro; Weds - swim; Thurs - tennis and Fri - run so that shd keep me fit and healthy! And I will expect you to join in when u come to visit!!!

    Lots love and Happy Valentines Day :)xxxx

  3. I am very impressed Caroline. You are becoming a fit Aussie chick aren't you! haha. You'll be addicted to a climate that allows you to spend so much time outside... and before you know it, 2 years will be up! Will you want to come home???

  4. Caroline, just caught up here, I just wanted to say FANTASTIC!! Brilliant competitor and superb support team! Love the video Will, just brings it all alive. You have started my day with a smile. I believe you have some VIP visitors coming to a place near you soon? Please do video maybe of Uncle Mick doing Bush Tucker Trial!! Maybe Witchetty grub soup? This is guaranteed to massively increase hits on your blog :) - Check this one out>> - Love CuzDave x x x PS: DON'T SAY IT WAS MY IDEA!
