It's really starting to become 'real' now as we have started all of the goodbyes. The boys have been seeing lots of their friends - Sam had a surprise party with his mates which was really lovely.
Caroline had been ruthless in clearing out the house. 'Freecycle' has been inundated with various Morgan paraphernalia such as a '5.1 Surround Sound system', 'Black and Decker Sander' and a variety of lego and playmobile!
We have sold Caroline's car (despite a small setback along the way) and also have a tenant for the house....moving in 2 days after we leave....things seem to have come together right at the last minute!
If 10 was 'I can't wait to get there' and 1 was 'I am dreading going' I would say I (Chris) am at a 7 at the moment. I think as the week goes on this may change...we'll see. On Friday we have a 'last supper' with our family so I am sure that will be very emotional...
Have a brilliant time in Australia - your apartment for the first few weeks looks fab. Enjoy your last few days in the UK. Look forward to following your adventures via the blog. We will miss you all (particularly Caroline) but the 2 years will fly by - enjoy every minute! Have a safe journey and take care. Love from Lisa and the Digweeds. xx